Empowering people to tackle cancer and take up screenings across Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin, and Powys.

Cancer Champions are film – makers

Throughout October Holly and Michelle, Cancer Champions Coordinators worked with a wonderful group of cancer champions to make a series of videos about the importance of cancer screening. Language can be a big barrier in people understanding about what screening involves, so we have been delighted to have speakers of Punjabi, Bulgarian, Polish, Mandarin and Ukrainian work with us to spread the word in their mother tongue. Filming was hard work but so worthwhile – so a big thank you to all the great cancer champions who took part. Its wasn’t exactly a Hollywood experience but it was good fun!

Ready to make a difference?

Cancer Champions can make a real difference to people’s lives and their health, by spreading the word that spotting cancer early saves lives.
Interested in being a Cancer Champion?

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You could save someone’s life.

Supporting People With Cancer | Cancer Champions

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Delivery & Funding Partners

Our initiative wouldn’t be possible without the dedication and support of our partners who help us get our important message out to those it matters to the most.